Welcome to "2400 Doktor Martin"

Welcome to "2400 Doktor Martin"

My name is Martin Mellerup. I have been a doctor since 2001 and worked as a family physician since 2015. 

You can reach me on the phone everyday between 08:00 - 09:30. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait you can always contact me on my emergency number 50482880. Consultations are planned from 09:30-15:45 (Tuesday 17:45)

The clinic is closed for Lunch between 12:00 -13:00 every day.

Do not visit the clinic without an appointment or without calling the emergency number 50482880 first!

If you want to book an appointment, for prescriptions or short messages clich here: Patientportalen

If you need medical assistance out-side opening hours call 1813 or the emergency service 112.

If I am absent from the clinic during the day the voice mail (77302400) will announce an alternative phonenumber to medical assistance. This will mostly be to one of my colleagues in 'Bispebjerg Lægering' (35850541), my colleague Keld Brandt (38345708) or my colleague Lisbeth Johnsen (38106065)

For more general information about the Danish health care system Click here